City Requirements

City of L.A.

Are you homeowner or developer planning to make changes to your home or property? You may need a report.

  • New Construction on Single Family Homes (hillside properties)
  • Room Additions
  • New Swimming Pool, Spa, and Deck (hillside properties)
  • Retaining Walls
  • Landslide Areas
  • Liquefaction Zone Sites (Liquefaction is when loose sand or silt is soaked with water, looses its strength, and acts as a fluid. Can be caused by earthquake shaking.
    Link to USGS Liquifaction Zones
  • New Basements and Underground Parking for flatland sites
  • New Ground Level Parking

City of Santa Monica

The City of Santa Monica requires Geology and Soils Reports for the following:

  • New Construction for houses, garages with livable space, guesthouses, pools, and other accessory buildings
  • Room Additions
  • Sites located within the ‘Seismic Hazard Zone’ as defined by the California Geological Survey (A Seismic Hazard Zone means that the state has determined that weak soil and/or rock may likely be present under the property that can fail during an earthquake and can cause damage to buildings, unless proper precautions are taken during grading and construction. If a property is undeveloped, a site-specific investigation by a licensed engineering geologist and/or civil engineer may be required before the parcel can be subdivided or before most structures can be permitted.)
  • Sites located within the “Fault Hazard Management Zone” mapped by the City of Santa Monica
    (California requires Engineering Geologists to perform detailed fault investigations to find the location of these active faults and find the distance structures should be away from active faults.)
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